SASSFE Statement on the ongoing protests at Wits University

12th March 2021

Following its meeting held on the 11th of March 2021 with the Wits Student Representative Council (SRC) and office of the Dean of Students, SASSFE views the student funding problem as a national crisis. The crisis is manifesting at campus level, though the solution lies in engaging at national level towards restructuring a progressive student funding model and holding those in office accountable for the constitutional and policy commitments made over years.

Furthermore SASSFE has agreed to;

SASSFE seeks to build a society wide consensus on a sustainable solution and will continue its engagements with student leaders, university management, government, social movements, national leaders, business leaders and labour movements to contribute in resolving and finding lasting solutions to the student financial crisis.

In the past few weeks, SASSFE made a donation of R100 000 via the Wits SRC to assist students in need of financial assistance.

SASSFE encourages all alumni and members of society to donate to students in need of financial assistance, and you can follow the link and make a donation.


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